Issue 70, 2016, Issue in Progress

Two catalytic systems of l-proline/Cu(ii) catalyzed allylic oxidation of olefins with tert-butyl hydroperoxide


The nontoxic and water-soluble L-proline combined with two different forms of copper(II): recoverable Cu–Al hydrotalcite-like compounds (Cu–Al HTLcs) and water-soluble CuCl2, as a heterogeneous catalytic system (L-proline/Cu–Al HTLcs) and two-phase catalytic system (L-proline/CuCl2) to catalyze allylic oxidation with tert-butyl hydroperoxide. The results showed that L-proline/Cu(II) is highly active for oxidizing isophorone (IP) into ketoisophorone (KIP). Maximum catalytic effects were afforded respectively under the optimal reaction conditions, which obtained 77.9% IP conversion with 74.3% KIP selectivity catalyzed by L-proline/Cu–Al HTLcs and 73.5% conversion with 81.6% selectivity by L-proline/CuCl2. Recycling experiments of the two catalytic systems of L-proline/Cu(II) showed they are stable and recyclable for at least six cycles with appreciable catalytic activity. And various hydrocarbons could be smoothly transformed into corresponding ketones with satisfactory conversion and selectivity by the two catalytic systems.

Graphical abstract: Two catalytic systems of l-proline/Cu(ii) catalyzed allylic oxidation of olefins with tert-butyl hydroperoxide

Article information

Article type
06 May 2016
20 Jun 2016
First published
20 Jun 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 65403-65411

Two catalytic systems of L-proline/Cu(II) catalyzed allylic oxidation of olefins with tert-butyl hydroperoxide

P. Yu, Y. Zhou, Y. Yang and R. Tang, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 65403 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA11784H

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