Issue 55, 2015

Operating temperature dependent ethanol and formaldehyde detection of spray deposited mixed CdO and MnO2 thin films


CdO–MnO2 mixed oxide films are synthesized using a spray pyrolysis method. The structural study confirms the polycrystalline nature of the film and also confirms that the films are in a mixed oxide state. The morphological study reveals that the crystallite size is around 30 nm to 40 nm in size with spherical morphology. Energy dispersive spectroscopy confirms the presence of cadmium, manganese and oxygen in a mixed oxide state. The prepared CdO–MnO2 film is highly sensitive to ethanol vapours at ambient temperature. The resistance of the film decreases drastically when it is exposed to ethanol and formaldehyde vapours. The prepared CdO–MnO2 is highly sensitive to ethanol at ambient temperature and to formaldehyde vapour at 393 K. The sensitivity, selectivity, response time, recovery time and stability of the CdO–MnO2 film towards ethanol and formaldehyde sensing are reported in the present work.

Graphical abstract: Operating temperature dependent ethanol and formaldehyde detection of spray deposited mixed CdO and MnO2 thin films

Article information

Article type
13 Jan 2015
21 Apr 2015
First published
15 May 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 43930-43940

Author version available

Operating temperature dependent ethanol and formaldehyde detection of spray deposited mixed CdO and MnO2 thin films

R. Chandiramouli and B. G. Jeyaprakash, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 43930 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA00734H

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