Issue 105, 2014

Lipid coated mesoporous silica nanoparticles as an oral delivery system for targeting and treatment of intravacuolar Salmonella infections


Lipid coated mesoporous silica nanoparticle (L-MSN) were synthesized for oral delivery of ciprofloxacin for intracellular elimination of Salmonella pathogen. The particle size was found to be between 50–100 nm with a lipid coat of approximately 5 nm thickness. The lipid coating was achieved by sonication of liposomes with the MSN particles and evaluated by CLSM and FTIR studies. The L-MSN particles exhibited lower cytotoxicity compared to bare MSN particles. Ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, loaded into the L-MSN particles showed enhanced antibacterial activity against free drug in in vitro assays. The lipid coat was found to aid in intravacuolar targeting of the drug cargo as observed by confocal microscopy studies. We also observed that a lower dose of antibiotic was sufficient to clear the pathogen from mice and increase their survivability using the L-MSN oral delivery system.

Graphical abstract: Lipid coated mesoporous silica nanoparticles as an oral delivery system for targeting and treatment of intravacuolar Salmonella infections

Article information

Article type
23 Oct 2014
06 Nov 2014
First published
07 Nov 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 61160-61166

Author version available

Lipid coated mesoporous silica nanoparticles as an oral delivery system for targeting and treatment of intravacuolar Salmonella infections

R. J. Mudakavi, A. M. Raichur and D. Chakravortty, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 61160 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA12973C

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