Issue 25, 2014

Investigation of electron beam detection properties of ZnO nanowire based back-to-back double Schottky diode


The effect of electron beam irradiation on electrical properties of Pt–ZnO NW–Pt double Schottky diodes has been investigated, which were fabricated by a direct-write electron beam lithography method. The reduction of the Schottky barrier height under electron beam irradiation resulted in a current enhancement and these devices show a fast response to the irradiation of 0.1 Hz under either a forward or a reverse bias. As the electron energy increases, the sensitivity reaches a maximum value at around 5 keV and decreases when the electron energy further rises, which is due to the electron–electron interactions as a result of increased electron density.

Graphical abstract: Investigation of electron beam detection properties of ZnO nanowire based back-to-back double Schottky diode

Article information

Article type
24 Dec 2013
24 Feb 2014
First published
04 Mar 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 12743-12747

Investigation of electron beam detection properties of ZnO nanowire based back-to-back double Schottky diode

X. Li, J. Qi, Q. Zhang, Z. Wang, S. Lu and Y. Zhang, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 12743 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA47934J

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