Issue 2, 2014

Swirl-inducing inlet for passive micromixers


This paper proposes a swirl-inducing inlet as a simple and effective method to improve fluid mixing in passive micromixers in the range of Re > 20. A pair of antisymmetric barriers are placed in the mixer inlets to generate angular momentum in the flow and induce a swirling flow structure. It can be applied as a small modification to many conventional passive mixers that have counter-inlets such as the T-shaped channel. In this paper, we show the effectiveness of the proposed inlet through numerical simulations of the mixing process in two representative passive micromixers: the T-shaped micromixer with rectangular cross section and the three-dimensional serpentine micromixer with L-shaped repeating units. The simulations show that the proposed inlet can successfully generate a strong swirling flow and provide considerable mixing improvement in both types of micromixers tested at Re = 20–150, where the mixing is enhanced by greater than a factor of two based on the mixing index.

Graphical abstract: Swirl-inducing inlet for passive micromixers

Article information

Article type
30 May 2013
01 Nov 2013
First published
28 Nov 2013

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 824-829

Swirl-inducing inlet for passive micromixers

T. Matsunaga and K. Nishino, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 824 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA44438D

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