Issue 48, 2013

Regulation of hemin peroxidase catalytic activity by arsenic-binding aptamers for the colorimetric detection of arsenic(iii)


The catalytic activity of higher concentration of hemin can be temporarily inhibited by arsenic-binding aptamers, and it will recover in the presence of As(III) due to the exhaustion of aptamers, so the subsequent TMB molecules can be oxidized thoroughly and cause a remarkable increase of absorbance value at 442 nm, which enables the colorimetric detection of As(III) with high selectivity and a detection limit of 6 ppb.

Graphical abstract: Regulation of hemin peroxidase catalytic activity by arsenic-binding aptamers for the colorimetric detection of arsenic(iii)

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
14 Aug 2013
21 Oct 2013
First published
21 Oct 2013

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 25614-25619

Regulation of hemin peroxidase catalytic activity by arsenic-binding aptamers for the colorimetric detection of arsenic(III)

Y. Wu, F. Wang, S. Zhan, L. Liu, Y. Luo and P. Zhou, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 25614 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA44346A

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