Issue 10, 2018

Ultrasensitive detection of seventeen chemicals simultaneously using paper-based sensors


We developed an ultrasensitive gold nanoparticle-based multicomponent lateral-flow strip assay for the simultaneous detection of seventeen hormone drugs from three classes: nandrolone (NR) and its analogues, dexamethasone (DEX) and its analogues, and hexestrol (HES) and its analogues. The antibodies and coating antigens were selected for the assay and the multi-immunochromatographic strip (multi-ICS) exhibited a very low limit of detection (LOD). Quantitative results were obtained using a strip scan reader, giving LOD values of 0.06–4.85 ng mL−1 for NR and its analogues, 0.005–2.85 ng mL−1 for DEX and its analogues, and 0.03–2.14 ng mL−1 for HES and its analogues. The recovery rates from milk samples were 85.8–93.3% for NR, 78.8–87.5% for DEX, and 89.4–99.4% for HES. This multi-ICS assay therefore provides a useful tool for on-site detection and rapid initial screening of hormone drugs in biological samples.

Graphical abstract: Ultrasensitive detection of seventeen chemicals simultaneously using paper-based sensors

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
08 Jul 2018
28 Jul 2018
First published
30 Jul 2018

Mater. Chem. Front., 2018,2, 1900-1910

Ultrasensitive detection of seventeen chemicals simultaneously using paper-based sensors

Z. Wang, L. Sun, L. Liu, H. Kuang, L. Xu and C. Xu, Mater. Chem. Front., 2018, 2, 1900 DOI: 10.1039/C8QM00336J

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