Issue 45, 2018

An efficient room-temperature synthesis of highly phosphorescent styrenic Pt(ii) complexes and their polymerization by ATRP


Cyclometalated Pt(II) complexes are among the most efficient phosphorescent materials, yet their incorporation into polymers remains rare. This is largely due to challenges with existing synthetic methods, characterized by long reaction times, excess reagents, high temperatures and low product yields. Here we demonstrate a stoichiometric, one-pot cyclometalation protocol which gives Pt-containing styrenic monomers in short reaction times at ambient temperature with improved yields. These monomers were then incorporated into highly phosphorescent polymers by ATRP, giving materials with Mn ∼ 10 000 and Đ = 1.12–1.15. The preparation of block copolymers is also demonstrated, as well as the synthesis of mixed-colour phosphorescent films using partial energy transfer between platinum chromophores. This cyclometalation protocol should make the preparation of Pt(II) metallopolymers significantly more accessible, opening the door to a broad range of applications in optoelectronics.

Graphical abstract: An efficient room-temperature synthesis of highly phosphorescent styrenic Pt(ii) complexes and their polymerization by ATRP

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Article information

Article type
14 Sep 2018
21 Oct 2018
First published
29 Oct 2018

Polym. Chem., 2018,9, 5418-5425

An efficient room-temperature synthesis of highly phosphorescent styrenic Pt(II) complexes and their polymerization by ATRP

D. M. Mayder, K. A. Thompson, C. J. Christopherson, N. R. Paisley and Z. M. Hudson, Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 5418 DOI: 10.1039/C8PY01337C

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