Issue 15, 2016

Transition metal complexes bearing tridentate ligands for precise olefin polymerization


Tridentate chelating ligands, which possess three coordination sites and six bonding electrons to coordinate a metal center, are considered as an alternative to the cyclopentadienyl ligand. Such tridentate ligands can stabilize a variety of metal oxidation states of a complex and form two four-, five-, six- or seven-membered chelate rings. In addition, fine tuning of its electronic and steric properties by the modification of coordination atoms, ligand skeleton, and substituents on the skeleton of the tridentate ligand will enable control of the catalytic activity and stereochemistry of its complexes in olefin polymerization. This review introduces the recent progress on transition metal catalysts bearing tridentate chelating ligands for olefin polymerization. Special emphasis is placed on the effects of ligand modifications on the polymerization activity, the stereochemistry, comonomer incorporation, and molecular weight of the resulting polymers.

Graphical abstract: Transition metal complexes bearing tridentate ligands for precise olefin polymerization

Article information

Article type
Review Article
08 Jan 2016
07 Mar 2016
First published
07 Mar 2016

Polym. Chem., 2016,7, 2601-2634

Transition metal complexes bearing tridentate ligands for precise olefin polymerization

D. Peng, X. Yan, C. Yu, S. Zhang and X. Li, Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 2601 DOI: 10.1039/C6PY00040A

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