Issue 12, 2020

β-Carboline directed regioselective hydroxylation by employing Cu(OAc)2 and mechanistic investigation by ESI-MS


A β-carboline directed regioselective C–H activation protocol for hydroxylation has been developed by employing Cu(OAc)2, a cost-effective 3d metal. This fastidious reaction proceeds under microwave irradiation and furnishes exclusively ortho-hydroxylated products with moderate to good yields under greener reaction conditions. Gratifyingly, this approach retains considerable functional group tolerance and is feasible on both electron-rich and electron-deficient substrates. This protocol signifies monohydroxylation on β-carboline via C–H functionalization which leads into development of biologically relevant molecules. The reaction mechanism was confirmed by intercepting and characterizing all the proposed intermediates by ESI-QTOF-MS.

Graphical abstract: β-Carboline directed regioselective hydroxylation by employing Cu(OAc)2 and mechanistic investigation by ESI-MS

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Article information

Article type
05 Feb 2020
02 Mar 2020
First published
04 Mar 2020

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020,18, 2307-2311

β-Carboline directed regioselective hydroxylation by employing Cu(OAc)2 and mechanistic investigation by ESI-MS

D. Bora, R. Tokala, S. E. John, B. Prasanth and N. Shankaraiah, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020, 18, 2307 DOI: 10.1039/D0OB00250J

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