Issue 21, 2008

Spectacular induced-fit process for guest binding by a calix[6]arene Zn(ii) funnel complex


The host properties of a calix[6]arene cone capped by a Zn(II) tris-imidazole core at the small rim and decorated by three NH2 substituents at the large rim are described and compared to the hexa-tBu parent complex. It is shown that the replacement of three bulky tBu substituents by three hydrophilic and small NH2 groups has three major impacts: the receptor is now soluble in aqueous media, it accepts large guests such as dimethyldopamine and, most interestingly, undergoes a spectacular induced-fit behavior for guest binding.

Graphical abstract: Spectacular induced-fit process for guest binding by a calix[6]arene Zn(ii) funnel complex

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 Jun 2008
31 Jul 2008
First published
08 Sep 2008

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2008,6, 3930-3934

Spectacular induced-fit process for guest binding by a calix[6]arene Zn(II) funnel complex

D. Coquière, J. Marrot and O. Reinaud, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2008, 6, 3930 DOI: 10.1039/B809699F

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