Issue 16, 2007

Transannular 1,5-hydride shift in 5-hydroxycyclooctanone: an experimental and theoretical investigation


1 H NMR measurements have shown that eight out of twelve methylene hydrogen atoms of 5-hydroxycyclooctanone (1HK) are exchanged for deuterium atoms under acidic and basic conditions. For the reaction in 7.9 M DCl/D2O, an activation energy Ea = 19.2 ± 0.4 kcal mol−1 is found. In order to explain these findings, a degenerate transannular 1,5-hydride shift is essential, and this reaction has been analyzed by quantum chemical calculations. Hydride transfer takes place via a tight transition state with a six-membered ring. The activation barrier is lowest in the presence of base. The molecular conformation of the eight-membered ring in the transition state resembles that of the starting structure. It is unlikely that solvent molecules such as water participate in the formation of the transition state.

Graphical abstract: Transannular 1,5-hydride shift in 5-hydroxycyclooctanone: an experimental and theoretical investigation

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Article information

Article type
04 Jun 2007
22 Jun 2007
First published
12 Jul 2007

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2007,5, 2698-2703

Transannular 1,5-hydride shift in 5-hydroxycyclooctanone: an experimental and theoretical investigation

P. Rademacher and P. Choudhary Mohr, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2007, 5, 2698 DOI: 10.1039/B708448J

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