Issue 21, 2020

NIR-to-NIR emission on a water-soluble {Er6} and {Er3Yb3} nanosized molecular wheel


Near-Infrared emissions are highly important in biological and telecommunications technology. For the first time, NIR-to-NIR emission was achieved in a water-soluble molecular cluster-aggregate. The erbium analogue of the highly tunable [Ln6(teaH)6(NO3)6] complex emits at 1530 nm with direct excitation at 980 nm, and can be boosted by replacing three erbium ions with three ytterbium(III), in the molecular structure. The presented methodology is a unique approach to probe the effect of composition control and harness the luminescence properties of nanoscale molecular material.

Graphical abstract: NIR-to-NIR emission on a water-soluble {Er6} and {Er3Yb3} nanosized molecular wheel

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Article information

Article type
19 Mar 2020
08 May 2020
First published
11 May 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 11435-11439

NIR-to-NIR emission on a water-soluble {Er6} and {Er3Yb3} nanosized molecular wheel

D. A. Gálico, J. S. Ovens and M. Murugesu, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11435 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR02236E

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