Issue 44, 2019

Eu-based coordination polymer microrods for low-loss optical waveguiding application


Lanthanide-based coordination polymers (CPs) have received great attention due to their tuneable structures and excellent luminescence properties. However, limited by the stability and micro/nanoscale morphology, a very small number of lanthanide-based CPs have been used for photonic applications. Herein, we present the synthesis of Eu-based CPs (compound 2) with highly regular one-dimensional (1D) microrod morphology by in situ structure transformation from compound 1. Moreover, the Eu-based CP microrods have an excellent stability and a high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY), and the distance-dependent PL spectra also exhibited typical characteristics of photoactive waveguides with a low optical-loss coefficient (0.00894 dB μm−1) during propagation. These intriguing behaviors not only extend the research field of optical waveguides through lanthanide-based CPs, but also provide an opportunity for further application in optical communication systems.

Graphical abstract: Eu-based coordination polymer microrods for low-loss optical waveguiding application

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Article information

Article type
30 Aug 2019
01 Oct 2019
First published
02 Oct 2019

Nanoscale, 2019,11, 21061-21067

Eu-based coordination polymer microrods for low-loss optical waveguiding application

M. Song, Y. Dang, J. Dong, X. Zhang, S. Lei and W. Hu, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 21061 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR07494E

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