Issue 21, 2017

A four-helix bundle DNA nanostructure with binding pockets for pyrimidine nucleotides


Designed DNA nanostructures of impressive size have been described, but designed structures of the size of protein enzymes that bind organic ligands with high specificity are rare. Here we report a four-helix motif consisting of three synthetic strands with 65 base pairs and 165 nucleotides in total that folds well. Furthermore, we show that in the interior of this small folded DNA nanostructure, cavities can be set up that bind pyrimidine nucleotides with micromolar affinity. Base-specific binding for both thymidine and cytidine derivatives is demonstrated. The binding affinity depends on the position in the structure, as expected for recognition beyond simple base pairing. The folding motif reported here can help to expand DNA nanotechnology into the realm of selective molecular recognition that is currently dominated by protein-based enzymes and receptors.

Graphical abstract: A four-helix bundle DNA nanostructure with binding pockets for pyrimidine nucleotides

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
04 Jan 2017
06 Mar 2017
First published
09 Mar 2017

Nanoscale, 2017,9, 7047-7054

A four-helix bundle DNA nanostructure with binding pockets for pyrimidine nucleotides

R. J. Schwarz and C. Richert, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 7047 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR00094D

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