Issue 34, 2016

Rich surface Co(iii) ions-enhanced Co nanocatalyst benzene/toluene oxidation performance derived from CoIICoIII layered double hydroxide


A hierarchical CoII2.8CoIII1 layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanostructure was constructed through a facile topochemical transformation route under a dynamic oxygen atmosphere. Self-assembled coral-like CoAl LDH nanostructures via the homogeneous precipitation method were also inspected under different ammonia-releasing reagents and solvents. Benzene and toluene were chosen as probe molecules to evaluate their catalytic performance over the metal oxide CoCoO and CoAlO calcined from their corresponding LDH precursors. Nanocatalyst of trivalent Co ions replaced Al3+ ions in the bruited-like layer had a higher catalytic activity (T99(benzene) = 210 °C and T99(toluene) = 220 °C at a space velocity = 60 000 mL g−1 h−1). Raman spectroscopy, XPS and H2-TPR demonstrated the existence of abundant high valence Co ions that serve as active sites. TPD verified the types of active oxygen species and surface acid properties. It was concluded that the high valence Co ions induced excellent low-temperature reducibility. Surface Lewis acid sites and the surface Oads/Olatt molar ratio (0.61) played relevant roles in determining its catalytic oxidation performance. Our design in this work provides a promising approach for the development of nanocatalysts with exposed desirable defects.

Graphical abstract: Rich surface Co(iii) ions-enhanced Co nanocatalyst benzene/toluene oxidation performance derived from CoIICoIII layered double hydroxide

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Article information

Article type
18 Jun 2016
02 Aug 2016
First published
03 Aug 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 15763-15773

Rich surface Co(III) ions-enhanced Co nanocatalyst benzene/toluene oxidation performance derived from CoIICoIII layered double hydroxide

S. Mo, S. Li, J. Li, Y. Deng, S. Peng, J. Chen and Y. Chen, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 15763 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR04902H

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