Issue 21, 2015

Size/morphology induced tunable luminescence in upconversion crystals: ultra-strong single-band emission and underlying mechanisms


In this work, we present a two-step method to controllably synthesize novel and highly efficient upconversion materials, Lu5O4F7:Er3+,Yb3+ nano/micro-crystals, and investigate their size/morphology induced tunable upconversion properties. In addition to the common phenomenon aroused by a surface quenching effect, direct experimental evidence for the regulation of phonon modes is obtained in nanoparticles. The findings in this work advance the existing mechanisms for the general explanation of size/morphology induced upconversion features. Because of the adjustment of phonon energy and density as well as the surface quenching effect, the biocompatible Lu5O4F7:Er3+,Yb3+ nanoparticles exhibit an ultra-strong single-band red upconversion, rendering them promising for biomedical applications.

Graphical abstract: Size/morphology induced tunable luminescence in upconversion crystals: ultra-strong single-band emission and underlying mechanisms

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
12 Feb 2015
17 Apr 2015
First published
22 Apr 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 9552-9557

Size/morphology induced tunable luminescence in upconversion crystals: ultra-strong single-band emission and underlying mechanisms

Z. Wang, S. Zeng, J. Yu, X. Ji, H. Zeng, S. Xin, Y. Wang and L. Sun, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 9552 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR01008J

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