Issue 15, 2014

Tailor-made directional emission in nanoimprinted plasmonic-based light-emitting devices


We demonstrate an enhanced and tailor-made directional emission of light-emitting devices using nanoimprinted hexagonal arrays of aluminum nanoparticles. Fourier microscopy reveals that the luminescence of the device is not only determined by the material properties of the organic dye molecules but is also strongly influenced by the coherent scattering resulting from periodically arranged metal nanoparticles. Emitters can couple to lattice-induced hybrid plasmonic–photonic modes sustained by plasmonic arrays. Such modes enhance the spatial coherence of an emitting layer, allowing the efficient beaming of the emission along narrow angular and spectral ranges. We show that tailoring the separation of the nanoparticles in the array yields an accurate angular distribution of the emission. This combination of large-area metal nanostructures fabricated by nanoimprint lithography and light-emitting devices is beneficial for the design and optimization of solid-state lighting systems.

Graphical abstract: Tailor-made directional emission in nanoimprinted plasmonic-based light-emitting devices

Article information

Article type
13 Mar 2014
22 May 2014
First published
26 May 2014

Nanoscale, 2014,6, 9223-9229

Author version available

Tailor-made directional emission in nanoimprinted plasmonic-based light-emitting devices

G. Lozano, G. Grzela, M. A. Verschuuren, M. Ramezani and J. G. Rivas, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 9223 DOI: 10.1039/C4NR01391C

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