Issue 17, 2013

Performance enhancement of metal-oxide-semiconductor tunneling temperature sensors with nanoscale oxides by employing ultrathin Al2O3 high-k dielectrics


We demonstrated a promising route for enhancing temperature sensitivity, improving saturation voltage, and reducing power consumption of the MOS(p) tunneling temperature sensors by introducing ultrathin Al2O3 into the dielectric stacks. Detailed illustrations of the working mechanism and device concept are given in this work. Three kinds of MOS(p) tunneling temperature sensors with nanoscale SiO2, HfO2, and Al2O3 dielectrics were compared comprehensively. For Al2O3 MOS(p) devices with an equivalent oxide thickness of 2 nm, the sensing performance was effectively improved and the temperature-sensitive current–voltage characteristics are reliable and reproducible. The low-temperature processing Al2O3 MOS(p) tunneling temperature sensors are potential candidates for temperature monitoring sensors on chips or biomedical systems under low thermal budget processing consideration.

Graphical abstract: Performance enhancement of metal-oxide-semiconductor tunneling temperature sensors with nanoscale oxides by employing ultrathin Al2O3 high-k dielectrics

Article information

Article type
08 May 2013
20 Jun 2013
First published
24 Jul 2013

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8090-8097

Performance enhancement of metal-oxide-semiconductor tunneling temperature sensors with nanoscale oxides by employing ultrathin Al2O3 high-k dielectrics

C. Lin and J. Hwu, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 8090 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR02360E

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