Issue 6, 2007

Molecular recognition of nucleotides by a new bis(guanidinium)tetrakis(β-cyclodextrin) tetrapod


The facile synthesis of a novel bis(guanidinium)tetrakis(β-cyclodextrin) tetrapod, the first member of a new host family with a pre-defined number of guanidinium centres and cyclodextrins, is presented. Its molecular recognition towards nucleotide guest molecules was investigated. The formation of ditopic bimolecular complexes was observed, combining host–guest hydrophobic inclusion into cyclodextrins and electrostatic interactions between guanidinium and phosphate anions.

Graphical abstract: Molecular recognition of nucleotides by a new bis(guanidinium)tetrakis(β-cyclodextrin) tetrapod

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 Sep 2006
26 Mar 2007
First published
18 Apr 2007

New J. Chem., 2007,31, 995-1000

Molecular recognition of nucleotides by a new bis(guanidinium)tetrakis(β-cyclodextrin) tetrapod

S. Menuel, R. E. Duval, D. Cuc, P. Mutzenhardt and A. Marsura, New J. Chem., 2007, 31, 995 DOI: 10.1039/B613312F

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