Issue 6, 2020

A hillock-like phenomenon with low friction and adhesion on a graphene surface induced by relative sliding at the interface of graphene and the SiO2 substrate using an AFM tip


Graphene demonstrates high potential as an atomically thin solid lubricant for sliding interfaces in industry. However, graphene as a coating material does not always exhibit strong adhesion to any substrates. When the adhesion of graphene to its substrate weakens, it remains unknown whether relative sliding at the interface exists and how the tribological properties of the graphene coating changes. In this work, we first designed a method to weaken the adhesion between graphene and its SiO2 substrate. Then the graphene with weakened adhesion to its substrate was rubbed using an AFM tip, where we found a novel phenomenon: the monolayer graphene not only no longer protected the SiO2 substrate from deformation and damage, but also prompted the formation of hillock-like structures with heights of approximately tens of nanometers. Moreover, the surface of the hillock-like structure exhibited very low adhesion and a continuously decreasing friction force versus sliding time. Comparing the hillock-like structure on the bare SiO2 surface and the proposed force model, we demonstrated that the emergence of the hillock-like structure (with very low adhesion and continuously decreasing friction) was ascribed to the relative sliding at the graphene/substrate interface caused by the mechanical shear of the AFM tip. Our findings reveal a potential failure of the graphene coating when the adhesion strength between graphene and its substrate is damaged or weakened and provide a possibility for in situ fabrication of a low friction and adhesion micro/nanostructure on a SiO2/graphene surface.

Graphical abstract: A hillock-like phenomenon with low friction and adhesion on a graphene surface induced by relative sliding at the interface of graphene and the SiO2 substrate using an AFM tip

Article information

Article type
18 Oct 2019
29 Mar 2020
First published
10 Apr 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2020,2, 2548-2557

A hillock-like phenomenon with low friction and adhesion on a graphene surface induced by relative sliding at the interface of graphene and the SiO2 substrate using an AFM tip

N. Fan, J. Guo, G. Jing, C. Liu, Q. Wang, G. Wu, H. Jiang and B. Peng, Nanoscale Adv., 2020, 2, 2548 DOI: 10.1039/C9NA00660E

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