Issue 11, 2012

Hydrophenalene–Cr(CO)3 complexes as anti-inflammatory agents based on specific inhibition of NOD2 signalling: a SAR study


Small molecules, which specifically inhibit NOD2 signalling, are of high interest in the search for new anti-inflammatory drugs. In this context, the previously discovered hydrophenalene–Cr(CO)3 complex 1 was taken as a lead and new structural analogues were prepared by means of chemical synthesis. The NOD2-inhibiting activity of the compounds was determined with cell-based reporter assays employing human embryonic kidney cells. As a result of the study, some clear structure activity relationships (SARs) could be identified. The best compounds were active at low μM concentration.

Graphical abstract: Hydrophenalene–Cr(CO)3 complexes as anti-inflammatory agents based on specific inhibition of NOD2 signalling: a SAR study

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Concise Article
30 Jul 2012
18 Sep 2012
First published
24 Sep 2012

Med. Chem. Commun., 2012,3, 1377-1385

Hydrophenalene–Cr(CO)3 complexes as anti-inflammatory agents based on specific inhibition of NOD2 signalling: a SAR study

A. Saiai, H. Bielig, J. Velder, J. Neudörfl, M. Menning, T. A. Kufer and H. Schmalz, Med. Chem. Commun., 2012, 3, 1377 DOI: 10.1039/C2MD20221B

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