Issue 10, 2016

Biomolecular proteomics discloses ATP synthase as the main target of the natural glycoside deglucoruscin


Extracts of Ruscus aculeatus are a rich source of bioactive steroidal glycosides, such as ruscogenins which are reported to act against chronic venous disorders. Nowadays, several preparations of its roots, commonly used in traditional medicine, are on the market as food supplements for health care and maintenance. Although spirostanol deglucoruscin is one of the main metabolites in these extracts, literature reports about its pharmacological profile are scarce. In this paper, a multi-disciplinary approach, based on chemical proteomics, molecular modelling and bio-organic assays, has been used to disclose the whole interactome of deglucoruscin and the F0–F1 ATP synthase complex has been found as its main target.

Graphical abstract: Biomolecular proteomics discloses ATP synthase as the main target of the natural glycoside deglucoruscin

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
10 Jun 2016
25 Jul 2016
First published
25 Jul 2016

Mol. BioSyst., 2016,12, 3132-3138

Biomolecular proteomics discloses ATP synthase as the main target of the natural glycoside deglucoruscin

F. del Gaudio, C. Festa, M. Mozzicafreddo, M. Vasaturo, A. Casapullo, S. De Marino, R. Riccio and M. C. Monti, Mol. BioSyst., 2016, 12, 3132 DOI: 10.1039/C6MB00460A

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