Issue 15, 2010

Dynamic reversibility of hydrodynamic focusing for recycling sheath fluid


The phenomenon of "unmixing" has been demonstrated in microfluidic mixers, but here we manipulate laminar flow streams back to their original positions in order to extend the operational utility of an analytical device where no mixing is desired. Using grooves in the channel wall, we passively focus a sample stream with two sheath streams to center it in a microchannel for optical analysis. Even though the sample stream is completely surrounded by sheath fluid, reversing the orientation of the grooves in the channel walls returns the sample stream to its original position with respect to the sheath streams. We demonstrate the separation of the sample stream from the contiguous sheath streams and the recycling of the sheath fluid using the reversibility of laminar flow. Polystyrene microspheres and fluorescent dye were used to quantify the performance of the unsheathing process. We found that the maximum numbers of microspheres and all of the fluorescent dye were recaptured at sheath recycling levels <92%. The use of this sheathing technique has previously been demonstrated in a sensitive microflow cytometer; the unsheathing capability now provides the opportunity to recover particles from the sensor with minimal dilution or to recycle the sheath fluid for long-term unattended operation.

Graphical abstract: Dynamic reversibility of hydrodynamic focusing for recycling sheath fluid

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
26 Mar 2010
27 Apr 2010
First published
17 May 2010

Lab Chip, 2010,10, 1952-1959

Dynamic reversibility of hydrodynamic focusing for recycling sheath fluid

N. Hashemi, P. B. Howell, Jr., J. S. Erickson, J. P. Golden and F. S. Ligler, Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 1952 DOI: 10.1039/C004696E

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