Issue 3, 2009

Sandwich mixer–reactor: influence of the diffusion coefficient and flow rate ratios


A sandwich mixer consists of mixing two solutions in a channel, one central laminar flow being sandwiched between two outer flow solutions. The present numerical study considers the convection–diffusion of two reacting species A and B, provided respectively by the two incoming solutions. The simulations show how the diffusion coefficient, flow rate and species concentration ratios influence, via the transversal diffusion length and reaction kinetics, the reaction extent at the end of the sandwich mixer. First, this extent can be enhanced up to 60% if the species with the lowest diffusion coefficient is located in the outer solutions where the flow velocity is small compared to that of the central part (higher residence time). Secondly, decreasing the outer flow rates (to confine the reaction close to the walls) and increasing the local concentration to keep the same flux ratio improve the extent by 300%. Comparison with a bi-lamination passive mixer, with an ideal mixer and an electro-osmotic driven flow mixer is presented. These conclusions are also demonstrated for consecutive reactions, showing an amplification of the effects described above. The results are also presented versus the residence time in the mixer–reactor to show the time window for which the gain is appreciable.

Graphical abstract: Sandwich mixer–reactor: influence of the diffusion coefficient and flow rate ratios

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Sep 2008
15 Oct 2008
First published
17 Nov 2008

Lab Chip, 2009,9, 440-448

Sandwich mixer–reactor: influence of the diffusion coefficient and flow rate ratios

M. Abonnenc, J. Josserand and H. H. Girault, Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 440 DOI: 10.1039/B815581J

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