Issue 25, 2012

Halogenated two-dimensional germanium: candidate materials for being of Quantum Spin Hall state


The electronic band structure of halogenated germanene in the presence of spin–orbit coupling is investigated using first-principles calculations. Our results demonstrate that, compared with pure germanene, the π and π* bands of germanene adsorbed with Cl, Br and I remain crossed at the Fermi level – despite the crossing point shifting from K to Γ points. Moreover, we find that appreciable gaps in halogenated germanene can be opened at Dirac-like points, several orders of magnitude larger than that in pure germanene due to the robust spin–orbit coupling; for example, Cl, Br and I yield a SOC-induced gap of 86 meV, 237 meV and 162 meV at Γ points, respectively. In addition, since the germanene would be unstable at ambient conditions due to the dangling unsaturated Ge bonds, the manufacture of fully halogenated germanene with a robust spin–orbit coupling effect is more feasible than that of germanene experimentally. Therefore, our work may provide a potential avenue to observe the Quantum Spin Hall Effect at room temperature.

Graphical abstract: Halogenated two-dimensional germanium: candidate materials for being of Quantum Spin Hall state

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
16 Feb 2012
30 Apr 2012
First published
01 May 2012

J. Mater. Chem., 2012,22, 12587-12591

Halogenated two-dimensional germanium: candidate materials for being of Quantum Spin Hall state

Y. Ma, Y. Dai, C. Niu and B. Huang, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 12587 DOI: 10.1039/C2JM30960B

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