Issue 0, 1970

Low-temperature charge-transfer spectra of hexahalogenoiridates(IV) and -osmates(IV)


The charge-transfer spectra of IrCl62– and OsCl62– doped into (MeNH3)2SnCl6 and IrBr62– and OsBr62– doped into (EtNH3)2SnBr6 have been measured at 4 °K. The extensive vibrational and spin-orbit fine structure is discussed and the origins of the transitions are identified. Expressions are derived for the splitting of the ground and excited terms by spin-orbit coupling at both the metal and the halogen. With these expressions the spectra have been fitted by a least-squares procedure to yield values of the effective ligand spin-orbit coupling constant, the t1u(π)—t1u(σ) mixing coefficient and the baricentres of the charge-transfer terms. Oscillator strengths for transitions to each of the spin-orbit states are also calculated. The remarkable correspondence between the osmium(IV) and iridium(IV) spectra is commented on. It is suggested that the Uu′(2T2u) state of IrBr62– suffers a strong Jahn–Teller distortion.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. A, 1970, 100-109

Low-temperature charge-transfer spectra of hexahalogenoiridates(IV) and -osmates(IV)

B. D. Bird, P. Day and E. A. Grant, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1970, 100 DOI: 10.1039/J19700000100

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