Issue 0, 1966

Synthesis of methyliminosulphur difluoride and bis(methylimino)sulphur by the reaction of pentafluorosulphur chloride or sulphur tetrafluoride with methylamines


Pentafluorosulphur chloride, SF5Cl, reacts with trimethylamine at –78° to give SF5Cl,(NMe3)2. This compound decomposes quantitatively at room temperature to yield sulphur tetrafluoride and (Me3N)2CIF.

Methyliminosulphur difluoride, CH3N[double bond, length as m-dash]SF2, has been synthesised by the reaction of methylamine with either pentafluorosulphur chloride or, preferably, sulphur tetrafluoride. Bis(methylimino)sulphur, (CH3N)2S has been synthesised by the reaction of methylamine with either a deficit of sulphur tetrafluoride or with methyliminosulphur difluoride. Certain physical and chemical properties of these new compounds have been studied.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. A, 1966, 1780-1784

Synthesis of methyliminosulphur difluoride and bis(methylimino)sulphur by the reaction of pentafluorosulphur chloride or sulphur tetrafluoride with methylamines

B. Cohen and A. G. MacDiarmid, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1966, 1780 DOI: 10.1039/J19660001780

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