Volume 142, 2009

A pump–probe study of the photoassociation of cold rubidium molecules


The dynamics of the excited state during the photoassociation of cold molecules from cold rubidium atoms is studied in a series of pump–probe experiments. Dipole transitions similar to those of the atoms are observed in the molecular signal. While such behaviour is characteristic of the long-range molecules, the photoassociation of bound molecules is confirmed in additional experiments. The pump–probe signal observed on a 250 ps time scale did not, however, reveal wavepacket oscillations predicted by theory. This result is discussed using numerical simulations of photoassociation and a modification to the current experiments that could lead to the detection of wavepacket dynamics is suggested.

Article information

Article type
20 Oct 2008
05 Jan 2009
First published
26 May 2009

Faraday Discuss., 2009,142, 403-413

A pump–probe study of the photoassociation of cold rubidium molecules

J. Petrovic, D. McCabe, D. England, H. Martay, M. Friedman, A. Dicks, E. Dimova and I. Walmsley, Faraday Discuss., 2009, 142, 403 DOI: 10.1039/B818494A

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