Issue 9, 2019

Insights into short- and long-term effects of loading nickel nanoparticles on anaerobic digestion with flocculent sludge


The insights into both short-term and long-term effects of Ni nanoparticles (Ni-NPs) on anaerobic digestion (AD) with anaerobic flocculent sludge (AFS) were explored in this study. Results showed that the presence of Ni-NPs induced an irreversible and dosage-dependent inhibition on the methanogenic activity of the AFS. Three steps of anaerobic digestion, including glucose acidification, acetification and methanation, were all suppressed in the presence of Ni-NPs at high dosages after short-term observation, while the acetoclastic methanation process was the most influenced. Extended exposure to a low level of Ni-NPs (1 mg per g-TSS, total suspended solids) stimulated their toxicity to acetoclastic methanogenic activity, and that to high dosages of Ni-NPs would enhance their ability to inhibit all the steps involved in the AD process. When the dosages of Ni-NPs were 50 and 200 mg per g-TSS, the estimated CH4 volume was respectively reduced by 11.8% to 91.1% and 18.6% to 96.3% of the control, and the estimated kinetic rate constant for CH4 generation decreased from 0.45 to 0.12 d−1 and 0.40 to 0.09 d−1, respectively, over long-term experiments. As the dosage of Ni-NPs was increased to 600 mg per g-TSS, almost no methane was generated from the second cycle. Depression of cell viability caused by released Ni2+ through attacking biological molecules of the cell was speculated to be an important toxic mechanism. Microbial analysis results indicated that long-term exposure to Ni-NPs decreased the abundance of microbial communities of the AFS and the relative abundance of predominant archaeal genera mediating acetoclastic methanogenesis.

Graphical abstract: Insights into short- and long-term effects of loading nickel nanoparticles on anaerobic digestion with flocculent sludge

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Article information

Article type
05 Jun 2019
19 Jul 2019
First published
20 Jul 2019

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2019,6, 2820-2831

Insights into short- and long-term effects of loading nickel nanoparticles on anaerobic digestion with flocculent sludge

C. He, R. Ding, Y. Wang, Q. Li, Y. Wang and Y. Mu, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2019, 6, 2820 DOI: 10.1039/C9EN00628A

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