Issue 2, 2021

Recent advances in innovative strategies for the CO2 electroreduction reaction


The carbon dioxide electroreduction reaction (CO2RR), an emerging electrocatalysis reaction, is promising for converting CO2 into value-added fuels or chemicals (e.g., hydrocarbons and oxygenates). However, the CO2RR system for practical evaluations and applications is still limited by its low current density and poor CO2 utilization and conversion as well as dismal energy efficiency. To reach up to the practical application level, the components of the CO2RR device/system need to be systematically considered and optimized. This review specifically focuses on the latest and innovative design strategies toward each part of the system. In particular, the innovative and idiographic design strategies for tandem catalysts, promising electrolytes, upgraded electrodes, and advanced devices as well as anodic reactions are discussed at length. Moreover, some individual perspectives on opportunities and future challenges for each component of the CO2RR system are also provided. Perspectives and new trends presented in this review are not just labels and classifications. Instead, it is particularly expected that innovative ideas and visionary discussions in this review can systematically instruct and inspire researchers to contribute more efforts toward comprehensively optimizing the performance of the CO2RR system to a higher level.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in innovative strategies for the CO2 electroreduction reaction

Article information

Article type
Review Article
16 Sep 2020
14 Dec 2020
First published
15 Dec 2020

Energy Environ. Sci., 2021,14, 765-780

Recent advances in innovative strategies for the CO2 electroreduction reaction

X. Tan, C. Yu, Y. Ren, S. Cui, W. Li and J. Qiu, Energy Environ. Sci., 2021, 14, 765 DOI: 10.1039/D0EE02981E

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