Issue 47, 2017

Li3Ge3Se6: the first ternary lithium germanium selenide with interesting [Ge6Se12]n chains constructed by ethane-like [Ge2Se6]6− clusters


Li3Ge3Se6, the first compound of the ternary Li/Ge/Se system, has been synthesized. Note that interesting 1D [Ge6Se12]n chains constructed by ethane-like [Ge2Se6]6− clusters were discovered in its structure. Investigations on the structures of all the [Ge2Se6]6− cluster-containing compounds have shown that only in Li3Ge3Se6 are there 1D chains composed of [Ge2Se6]6− clusters, which result from the space limitation within the tunnels surrounded by LiSe6 octahedra. Raman spectrum was obtained to demonstrate the existence of Ge–Ge bonds. UV-visible-NIR diffuse reflection spectrum showed an optical bandgap of 2.08 eV. Theoretical calculations based on first principles have also been performed for its band structure and density of states to analyze its structure–property relationship.

Graphical abstract: Li3Ge3Se6: the first ternary lithium germanium selenide with interesting ∞[Ge6Se12]n chains constructed by ethane-like [Ge2Se6]6− clusters

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Article information

Article type
09 Oct 2017
06 Nov 2017
First published
07 Nov 2017

Dalton Trans., 2017,46, 16399-16403

Li3Ge3Se6: the first ternary lithium germanium selenide with interesting [Ge6Se12]n chains constructed by ethane-like [Ge2Se6]6− clusters

G. Li, N. Zhen, Y. Chu and Z. Zhou, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 16399 DOI: 10.1039/C7DT03781C

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