Issue 12, 2014

Does the rate of competing isomerisation during alkene metathesis depend on pre-catalyst initiation rate?


Experimental studies of the ring-closing metathesis reaction of 1,8-nonadiene and the ROMP reaction of cycloheptene show that the rate of isomerisation is not correlated to the initiation rate of the pre-catalyst, and that the absence of phosphine leads to a greatly increased rate of isomerisation. A range of pre-catalysts and solvents were probed and it is proposed that the isomerisation is mediated by a ruthenium hydride complex; our results are consistent with the rate-determining formation of such a species, which might be trapped in situ by tricyclohexylphosphane.

Graphical abstract: Does the rate of competing isomerisation during alkene metathesis depend on pre-catalyst initiation rate?

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Article information

Article type
02 Jan 2014
27 Jan 2014
First published
28 Jan 2014

Dalton Trans., 2014,43, 4674-4679

Author version available

Does the rate of competing isomerisation during alkene metathesis depend on pre-catalyst initiation rate?

D. J. Nelson and J. M. Percy, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 4674 DOI: 10.1039/C4DT00007B

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