Issue 24, 2003

Tertiary phosphine binding to pyridylazole chelated rhenium via substitution in phosphine oxide precursors: geometrical preference, twin isomerization and effects of diphosphine spacer length and metal oxidation state


The bimolecular reaction of [ReVL(O)Cl3] [L = 2-(2-pyridyl)benzoxazole (L1), 2-(2-pyridyl)benzthiazole (L2)], 1 with excess diphosphine [Ph2P(CH2)xPPh2 (x = 1–4)] has furnished [ReIIIL(OP(Ph)2(CH2)xP(Ph)2)Cl3], 2 which is spontaneously converted in solution to [ReIIIL(P(Ph)2(CH2)xP(O)(Ph)2)Cl3], 4. The reaction of [ReIIIL(OPMeyPh3 − y)Cl3], 3 with PMeyPh3 − y (y = 0–2) has afforded [ReIIIL(PMeyPh3 − y)Cl3], 5. Oxidation of 2 and 3 by dilute nitric acid has furnished nitrates of the rhenium(IV) species, 2+ and 3+. Structure determination vis-à-vis spectral and electrochemical comparisons have revealed a meridional geometry for 2, 3, 2+, and 3+ and a facial geometry for 4 and 5. The transformation 24 is a twin isomerization (linkage-cum-geometrical), the geometrical part of which recurs in the conversion 35. Rate studies have revealed that the reaction 24 is intramolecular in nature. It is initiated by nucleophilic attack of the metal by the dangling phosphine function. The process slows down nearly exponentially as the diphosphine spacer length (x) increases. The oxidised complex 2+ does not isomerize.

Graphical abstract: Tertiary phosphine binding to pyridylazole chelated rhenium via substitution in phosphine oxide precursors: geometrical preference, twin isomerization and effects of diphosphine spacer length and metal oxidation state

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Article information

Article type
09 Jul 2003
19 Sep 2003
First published
13 Oct 2003

Dalton Trans., 2003, 4635-4643

Tertiary phosphine binding to pyridylazole chelated rhenium via substitution in phosphine oxide precursors: geometrical preference, twin isomerization and effects of diphosphine spacer length and metal oxidation state

S. Sengupta, J. Gangopadhyay and A. Chakravorty, Dalton Trans., 2003, 4635 DOI: 10.1039/B307834E

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