Issue 17, 2001

Chemical transformations on diols anchored to a triosmium cluster


Clusters of the general formula Os3(μ-H)(CO)10(μ-O–OH), 2, have been synthesised from the reaction of Os3(μ-H)(CO)10(μ-OH) with the appropriate glycol. The free –OH function of the glycol derivative, Os3(μ-H)(CO)10(μ-OCH2CH2OH), 2a, can be elaborated by esterification with benzoyl chloride to give Os3(μ-H)(CO)10(μ-OCH2CH2OC(O)Ph), 3, and partially oxidised to give Os3(μ-H)(CO)10(μ-OCH2CHO), 4a. Cluster 4a itself can undergo allylation to give Os3(μ-H)(CO)10(μ-OCH2CH(OH)CH2CH[double bond, length as m-dash]CH2), 5, or react with PhMgBr to give Os3(μ-H)(CO)10(μ-OCH2CH(OH)Ph), 2e. Cluster 2a can also be functionalised at the cluster metal core with PPh3 as Os3(μ-H)(CO)9(μ-OCH2CH2OH)(PPh3), 6.

Graphical abstract: Chemical transformations on diols anchored to a triosmium cluster

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
26 Apr 2001
26 Jun 2001
First published
13 Aug 2001

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2001, 2476-2481

Chemical transformations on diols anchored to a triosmium cluster

M. W. Lum and W. K. Leong, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2001, 2476 DOI: 10.1039/B103800C

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