Issue 9, 2004

β-Elimination reactions by using samarium diiodide


The development of methodologies for the formation of carbon–carbon double bonds could be considered one of the most important challenges in organic synthesis. To this end, β-elimination reactions in 1,2-difunctionalised substrates have been one of the most important means of generating C[double bond, length as m-dash]C bonds.

This review is intended to highlight the use of SmI2 in β-elimination procedures, such that the organization of this revision highlights conventional β-elimination processes which are promoted by samarium diiodide. The synthetic applications of SmI2 will be covered, and 1,2-elimination reactions which are involved in sequential reactions promoted by samarium diiodide, will also be illustrated. These methodologies along with the more recent developments in the area are discussed in this tutorial review.

Graphical abstract: β-Elimination reactions by using samarium diiodide

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
27 May 2004
First published
10 Nov 2004

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2004,33, 599-609

β-Elimination reactions by using samarium diiodide

J. M. Concellón and H. Rodríguez-Solla, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2004, 33, 599 DOI: 10.1039/B400677A

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