Issue 28, 2018

New monolayer ternary In-containing sesquichalcogenides BiInSe3, SbInSe3, BiInTe3, and SbInTe3 with high stability and extraordinary piezoelectric properties


Looking for the high-performance alternatives to conventional lead-containing piezoelectric materials such as lead zirconate titanate (PZT) is absolutely vital for the development of low-dimensional innovative piezoelectric devices. Herein, we present our first-principles calculations on several new monolayers consisting of ternary In-containing sesquichalcogenides, which exhibit high stability and extraordinary piezoelectric properties. Our calculations predict that the in-plane (d11) and out-of-plane (d31) piezoelectric coefficients of BiInSe3, SbInSe3, BiInTe3, and SbInTe3 monolayers are much larger than those of most previously reported two-dimensional (2D) materials and widely studied wurtzite-type bulk piezoelectrics. Very strikingly, BiInTe3 monolayer possesses a d11 as high as 362 pm V−1 due to its mechanical flexibility, which is the highest among those reported in 2D materials and for the first time reaches those (∼360 pm V−1) in bulk lead-containing piezoelectric materials such as PZT. The theoretical predictions of the giant piezoelectricity in these 2D materials suggest that they have great potentials for the applications in atomically thin lead-free piezoelectric devices such as sensors and energy harvesters.

Graphical abstract: New monolayer ternary In-containing sesquichalcogenides BiInSe3, SbInSe3, BiInTe3, and SbInTe3 with high stability and extraordinary piezoelectric properties

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Article information

Article type
02 May 2018
02 Jul 2018
First published
03 Jul 2018

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018,20, 19177-19187

New monolayer ternary In-containing sesquichalcogenides BiInSe3, SbInSe3, BiInTe3, and SbInTe3 with high stability and extraordinary piezoelectric properties

H. Yin, G. Zheng, Y. Wang and B. Yao, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 19177 DOI: 10.1039/C8CP02793E

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