Issue 44, 2010

On the path-dependence of the open-cell voltage of a galvanic cell involving a ternary or multinary compound with multiple mobile ionic species under multiple chemical potential gradients


It is well known that the open-cell voltage (U) of a galvanic cell involving a binary compound, or a multinary compound with a single kind of mobile ionic species, is a state property under a gradient of chemical potential of the mobile component. It is not so transparent, however, whether U is still a state property when involving a ternary or multinary compound with two or more kinds of mobile ions under multiple chemical potential gradients of those mobile components. We clarify this issue with a multinary oxide that conducts oxide ions, protons and electron holes and is exposed to the chemical potential gradients of both water and oxygen. We show that U is path- and history-dependent, and manifests itself along the diffusion paths of the two mobile components H and O under given boundary conditions.

Graphical abstract: On the path-dependence of the open-cell voltage of a galvanic cell involving a ternary or multinary compound with multiple mobile ionic species under multiple chemical potential gradients

Article information

Article type
24 Jun 2010
05 Aug 2010
First published
14 Oct 2010

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010,12, 14699-14705

On the path-dependence of the open-cell voltage of a galvanic cell involving a ternary or multinary compound with multiple mobile ionic species under multiple chemical potential gradients

H. Yoo and M. Martin, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 14699 DOI: 10.1039/C0CP00977F

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