Issue 25, 2009

Ring-opening reaction of a trifluorinated indolylfulgide: mode-specific photochemistry after pre-excitation


The ring-opening reaction of a trifluorinated indolylfulgide has been studied as a function of temperature and optical pre-excitation where it was found that reaction times decreased as temperature increased from 10.3 ps at 12 °C to 7.6 ps at 60 °C. Simultaneously, the quantum yields for the ring-opening reaction grew from 3.1% (12 °C) to 5.0% (60 °C). When the reaction was started from a non-equilibrium state generated by a directly preceding ring-closure process, the ring-opening reaction became faster and the quantum efficiency increased by more than a factor of three. Analysis of the experimental results points to mode-specific photochemistry in that the promoting, photochemically active modes of the photoreaction are efficiently excited by the directly preceding ring-closure reaction.

Graphical abstract: Ring-opening reaction of a trifluorinated indolylfulgide: mode-specific photochemistry after pre-excitation

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Article information

Article type
04 Nov 2008
24 Feb 2009
First published
02 Apr 2009

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009,11, 5019-5027

Ring-opening reaction of a trifluorinated indolylfulgide: mode-specific photochemistry after pre-excitation

S. Draxler, T. Brust, S. Malkmus, J. A. DiGirolamo, W. J. Lees, W. Zinth and M. Braun, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009, 11, 5019 DOI: 10.1039/B819585D

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