Issue 13, 2004

Static and dynamic light scattering measurements near the critical solution point of a ternary liquid mixture


In the present paper we report results of static and dynamic light scattering measurements in the ternary liquid mixture glycerolacetonewater (GAW) in the vicinity of its critical solution point. We determine the correlation length, osmotic susceptibility and mass diffusion coefficient over a temperature range from 290 to 306 K. Close to the critical solution point the experimental data can be well described by simple power laws with three-dimensional effective critical exponents for all three compositions of the system. The critical exponents νx, γx and ν*x are obtained from the angular distribution of light scattering intensity, measured for three different compositions and over the temperature range near the liquid–liquid critical point. We obtain values of 0.71, 1.41 and 0.81, respectively. In the vicinity of the critical solution point the dynamic light scattering measurements in our system reveal two hydrodynamic relaxation modes with well-separated characteristic relaxation times. From the autocorrelation functions we can experimentally determine two effective diffusivities D1 and D2. As theoretically predicted by Anisimov et al. one of these two modes can be associated with mass diffusion and the other with thermal diffusion. In the special case of an incompressible liquid-mixture limit, D1 and D2 are decoupled, becoming the mutual diffusion coefficient D12 and thermodiffusion coefficient DT, respectively. Both the slow and fast mode have been measured as a function of temperature for all three investigated compositions. A possible physical meaning of D1 and D2 for a ternary mixture is discussed.

Article information

Article type
11 Feb 2004
22 Mar 2004
First published
04 May 2004

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2004,006, 3490-3499

Static and dynamic light scattering measurements near the critical solution point of a ternary liquid mixture

D. A. Ivanov and J. Winkelmann, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2004, 006, 3490 DOI: 10.1039/B402165G

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