Issue 43, 2020

Double-layered honeycomb architectures constructed via hierarchical self-assembly of hexagonal spin crossover cobalt(ii) metallacycles


A hexagonal cobalt(II) metallacycle and its “lipid packaged” derivatives, [Co6(R-bisterpy)6]X12 (R = H, OC16H33, OC27H55; X = BF4, C12-Glu), have been synthesized and characterized. The compounds incorporating BF4 anions formed sphere-like aggregates while the compounds with C12-Glu lipid anions gave double-layered honeycomb architectures composed of hexagonal stacked tubular structures, which exhibit spin crossover behaviour.

Graphical abstract: Double-layered honeycomb architectures constructed via hierarchical self-assembly of hexagonal spin crossover cobalt(ii) metallacycles

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Article information

Article type
11 Apr 2020
16 Apr 2020
First published
16 Apr 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 5835-5838

Double-layered honeycomb architectures constructed via hierarchical self-assembly of hexagonal spin crossover cobalt(II) metallacycles

R. Akiyoshi, K. Kuroiwa, M. Sakuragi, S. Yoshimoto, R. Ohtani, M. Nakamura, L. F. Lindoy and S. Hayami, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 5835 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02628J

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