Issue 33, 2019

An electron trapping protocol of FePW12O40 microflowers with dual catalytic properties: visible light photodegradation of amphetamine and electrocatalytic oxygen evolution


We have demonstrated the development of a novel polyxometalate compound, FePW12O40, for photocatalytic degradation of amphetamine and electrocatalytic oxygen evolution. It showed robust optoelectronic properties, which can be attributed to numerous electron trapping sites created by atomic level defects in the microflower-like architecture.

Graphical abstract: An electron trapping protocol of FePW12O40 microflowers with dual catalytic properties: visible light photodegradation of amphetamine and electrocatalytic oxygen evolution

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Article information

Article type
14 Dec 2018
13 Mar 2019
First published
15 Mar 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 4825-4828

An electron trapping protocol of FePW12O40 microflowers with dual catalytic properties: visible light photodegradation of amphetamine and electrocatalytic oxygen evolution

S. Rahut, S. S. Basu and J. K. Basu, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 4825 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC09904A

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