Issue 50, 2017

Low-temperature-selective luminescent mechanochromism of a thienyl gold isocyanide complex


The low-temperature-selective mechanochromism of a thienyl gold(I) isocyanide complex is reported. The as-prepared powder of this complex did not show any luminescent color changes upon grinding at room temperature. When cooled below −50 °C, the powder showed a blue emission in the absence of a phase transition. Upon grinding this powder below −50 °C, a green emission was observed, which indicates notable mechanochromism that only occurs at low temperature.

Graphical abstract: Low-temperature-selective luminescent mechanochromism of a thienyl gold isocyanide complex

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Article information

Article type
25 Apr 2017
09 May 2017
First published
09 May 2017

Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 6700-6703

Low-temperature-selective luminescent mechanochromism of a thienyl gold isocyanide complex

T. Seki, K. Kobayashi and H. Ito, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 6700 DOI: 10.1039/C7CC03190D

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