Issue 82, 2015

Homochiral metal phosphonate nanotubes


A new type of homochiral metal–organic nanotubular structures based on metal phosphonates are reported, namely, (R)- or (S)-[M(pemp)(H2O)2][M = CoII (1), NiII (2)] [pemp2− = (R)- or (S)-(1-phenylethylamino)methylphosphonate]. In these compounds, the tube-walls are purely inorganic, composed of metal ions and O–P–O bridges. The cavity of the nanotube is hydrophilic with one coordination water pointing towards the center, while the outer periphery of the nanotube is hydrophobic, decorated by the phenylethyl groups of pemp2−. The thermal stabilities, adsorption and proton conductivity properties are investigated.

Graphical abstract: Homochiral metal phosphonate nanotubes

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Article information

Article type
08 Jul 2015
20 Aug 2015
First published
20 Aug 2015
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 15141-15144

Homochiral metal phosphonate nanotubes

X. Liu, S. Bao, J. Huang, K. Otsubo, J. Feng, M. Ren, F. Hu, Z. Sun, L. Zheng, S. Wei and H. Kitagawa, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 15141 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC05647K

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