Issue 81, 2015

A sea anemone-like CuO/Co3O4 composite: an effective catalyst for electrochemical water splitting


A facile unipolar pulse electrodeposition combined with the thermal oxidation method was applied for fabrication of CuO/Co3O4 composites on carbon electrode for water electrolysis, and it was found that the sea anemone-like one with a 3D hierarchical structure formed at −0.8 V exhibited excellent performance for water electrolysis at a low overpotential with high stability.

Graphical abstract: A sea anemone-like CuO/Co3O4 composite: an effective catalyst for electrochemical water splitting

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Article information

Article type
15 Jun 2015
17 Aug 2015
First published
18 Aug 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 15012-15014

Author version available

A sea anemone-like CuO/Co3O4 composite: an effective catalyst for electrochemical water splitting

X. Li, G. Guan, X. Du, J. Cao, X. Hao, X. Ma, A. D. Jagadale and A. Abudula, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 15012 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC04936A

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