Issue 98, 2014

Unprecedented magnetic relaxation via the fourth excited state in low-coordinate lanthanide single-ion magnets: a theoretical perspective


Four low-coordinate SIMs have been studied to probe their relaxation dynamics using ab initio calculations. Our calculations reveal that both the symmetry and the equatorial ligand field play a key role in controlling the barrier heights in three-coordinate [LnIII(NSiMe3)3] complexes (Ln = Dy/Er). This study reveals an unprecedented blockade of magnetization up to three excited states for the Er(III) complex.

Graphical abstract: Unprecedented magnetic relaxation via the fourth excited state in low-coordinate lanthanide single-ion magnets: a theoretical perspective

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Article information

Article type
17 Jul 2014
16 Oct 2014
First published
16 Oct 2014

Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 15513-15516

Author version available

Unprecedented magnetic relaxation via the fourth excited state in low-coordinate lanthanide single-ion magnets: a theoretical perspective

S. K. Singh, T. Gupta, M. Shanmugam and G. Rajaraman, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 15513 DOI: 10.1039/C4CC05522E

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