Issue 30, 2008

Hydrogen bonding-assisted tautomerization of pyridine moieties in the coordination sphere of an Ir(i) complex


Ir(I)-induced tautomerization of a pyridine moiety to a carbene in 2,3-bipyridyls has been successfully achieved where an amide group plays a key role as a hydrogen-bonding acceptor and the carbene tautomer is stabilized by both chelation effect and by hydrogen-bonding.

Graphical abstract: Hydrogen bonding-assisted tautomerization of pyridine moieties in the coordination sphere of an Ir(i) complex

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Article information

Article type
27 Mar 2008
22 Apr 2008
First published
05 Jun 2008

Chem. Commun., 2008, 3558-3560

Hydrogen bonding-assisted tautomerization of pyridine moieties in the coordination sphere of an Ir(I) complex

G. Song, Y. Li, S. Chen and X. Li, Chem. Commun., 2008, 3558 DOI: 10.1039/B804931A

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