Issue 19, 2004

Isolation and structural characterization of an optically active intermediate in the oxidative addition of methyl iodide on a rhodium(i) centre


The optically pure cationic complex (S,SRh)-[Rh(η5-C5H4CH2CH(Ph)PPh2-κP)(η2-CH2CH2)(CH3)][I] is the first example of a key intermediate in the oxidative addition reaction of methyl iodide on a rhodium(I) centre which has been structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction.

Graphical abstract: Isolation and structural characterization of an optically active intermediate in the oxidative addition of methyl iodide on a rhodium(i) centre

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Article information

Article type
17 Jun 2004
26 Jul 2004
First published
25 Aug 2004

Chem. Commun., 2004, 2166-2167

Isolation and structural characterization of an optically active intermediate in the oxidative addition of methyl iodide on a rhodium(I) centre

A. Doppiu, U. Englert and A. Salzer, Chem. Commun., 2004, 2166 DOI: 10.1039/B409134E

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