Issue 2, 2025

Synergy of morphology and phosphorization for enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation over magnetic Fe3O4 catalysts


Peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation is a powerful method for eliminating tetracycline (TC) from water. Herein, the morphology and phosphorization were investigated for efficient PMS activation toward TC degradation over magnetic Fe3O4 catalysts. For three kinds of Fe3O4 catalyst with different morphologies, phosphorization dramatically enhanced the catalytic performance for TC degradation. A unique morphological effect was also observed for the TC degradation process. By regulation of morphology and phosphorization, the P-RC-Fe3O4/PMS system achieved the highest TC degradation efficiency among evaluated catalyst systems. Due to phosphorization, electron transfer occurred from Fe to P, generating a charge imbalance between Feδ+ and Pδ, which reacted with PMS to produce rich active species such as ˙OH, SO4˙, O2˙ and 1O2 for TC degradation. These active species were confirmed by using quenching experiments with different scavengers and ESR measurements. These results revealed that the nonradical (1O2) pathway was dominant in the P-RC-Fe3O4/PMS system for TC degradation, but simultaneously the radical (˙OH, SO4˙ and O2˙) pathway made a certain contribution. Cyclic experiments demonstrated not only the excellent stability of the P-RC-Fe3O4/PMS system for TC degradation but also facile magnetic separation between the catalyst and the reaction system. This work provides an efficient strategy for constructing novel catalytic platforms by regulation of morphology and phosphorization to activate PMS for eliminating TC from water.

Graphical abstract: Synergy of morphology and phosphorization for enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation over magnetic Fe3O4 catalysts

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Article information

Article type
29 Oct 2024
26 Nov 2024
First published
06 Dec 2024

New J. Chem., 2025,49, 435-446

Synergy of morphology and phosphorization for enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation over magnetic Fe3O4 catalysts

H. Lu, C. Tang, K. Ma and X. Li, New J. Chem., 2025, 49, 435 DOI: 10.1039/D4NJ04685D

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