Dynamic fluidic manipulation in microfluidic chips with dead-end channels through spinning: the Spinochip technology for hematocrit measurement, white blood cell counting and plasma separation


Centrifugation is crucial for size and density-based sample separation, but low-volume or delicate samples suffer from loss and impurity issues during repeated spins. We introduce the “Spinochip”, a novel microfluidic system utilizing centrifugal forces for efficient filling of dead-end microfluidic channels. The Spinochip enables versatile fluid manipulation with a single reservoir for both inlet and outlet functions. It expels compressed air, facilitating fluid flow, and offers programmable filling mechanisms based on the hydraulic resistance of microfluidic channels. Compatible with a basic centrifuge, it allows sequential filling, internal mixing, and collection in straight microfluidic channels by simply adjusting the spinning speed, eliminating the need for complex valving. We demonstrated the Spinochip's efficacy in blood testing, where it successfully separated blood components, such as plasma, buffy coat, and red blood cells, from a single drop using centrifugation alone. This system enabled simultaneous hematocrit (R2 >0.99) and total white blood cell (R2 >0.93) quantification within a single microfluidic channel without the need for staining or special reagents. Remarkably, the Spinochip can perform hematocrit measurements on as little as 100 nL of blood, potentially paving the way for less invasive blood analysis. This innovative approach unlocks new possibilities in microfluidics, providing precise fluidic control and centrifugation for sample volumes as small as a few nanoliters.

Graphical abstract: Dynamic fluidic manipulation in microfluidic chips with dead-end channels through spinning: the Spinochip technology for hematocrit measurement, white blood cell counting and plasma separation

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19 Nov 2024
13 Jan 2025
First published
15 Jan 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Lab Chip, 2025, Advance Article

Dynamic fluidic manipulation in microfluidic chips with dead-end channels through spinning: the Spinochip technology for hematocrit measurement, white blood cell counting and plasma separation

C. Oksuz, C. Bicmen and H. C. Tekin, Lab Chip, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4LC00979G

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